Sophia Loizou – Untold

Album Info
Multidisciplinary artist and doctoral researcher Sophia Loizou’s debut poetic collection ‘Untold: A Tellurian Memorandum’ imagines a series of speculative sentient landscapes. The six works envision different aspects of entangled Earthly relationships; from the aqueous roots of biotic life and non-human systems of perpetual growth, to biologically enhanced futures where multiple forms of life collide, connect and share their material qualities. ‘I wanted to portray an open and empathic multiform future,’ explains Sophia. ‘a world that celebrates the vibrant, messy and multifaceted beauty of non-human forces and forms.’
The book is accompanied with the digital album of ‘Untold’ plus a 30-minute speculative sonic landscape in which sounds from living systems, field recordings from human, animal and technological origins meet – producing wild and unpredictable results.
‘A Tellurian Memorandum’ is part of a much bigger multi-disciplinary project that also includes the LP ‘Untold’, artworks, an AV show and a lecture performance.
Soon Over Babaluma
an observation platform.